Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Your Homework

Alright, I need to make this the quickest post ever (well, maybe not ever, but fairly short). If you are like me (and fortunately most of you are not), you are swamped with a lot of work right now that is sucking the fun out of your life. For me, I have to write a "mega" history and physical on my patient with transient left sided hemiparesis and aphasia (extra bonus points for the first person to respond with what this could be). So, I decided to give you an assignment of your own, albeit a fun one.

You need to go to http://www.bucknell.edu/x33182.xml and download the document called "Game Notes vs. Holy Cross." It is 47 pages of Bucknell Basketball procrastination-filled bliss. Read it, memorize it, become inspired by it. You should have it completed by 4:30 pm on Friday, March 9th. You are permitted to work in groups to complete it. Bonus points if you wear orange and blue as you are doing it.

'Ray Bucknell!

Funny side note: You know that people know that you are obsessed when you have the following conversation;
Me: "I have to get out of work early on Friday, I have a VERY important event I need to attend."
Med Student #1: "Really? What is it?"
Me: "Well, what do you think?"
Med Student #2: "Its not another Bucknell Happy Hour, is it?!"


Zimmy said...

Oh I know I know! I took enough Biology, Psych and Latin courses to figure this out. Aphasia is the loss of speech I think. Paresis is paralysis and "hemi" means "half" so Hemiparesis should be paralysis of half the body (in this case the left side - which also could explain the loss of speech since the language part of your brain is on the left side). And since it is transient, its temporary or comes and goes?
Maybe I should go to med school...

Janet said...

Dr. Anderson, we need another update soon... I am salivating with anticipation, please do not leave me hanging so!

Anonymous said...

TIA!!! TIA!!! Right parietal lobe, perhaps in MCA distribution???

(If I'm totally off, it's because I'm matching in Ortho and don't gave a lab rat's behind about anything squishier than an MCL. :))