Monday, May 7, 2007

Randomness Vol. 2

Today as I was staring a slides of colon biopsies (yes, that will essentially be the next 2 weeks of my life) pretending not to fall asleep (the trick is that if you get your eyes close enough to the eye piece the docs can't tell that the they are actually closed), I let my mind wander as it naturally does, and I kinda realized that there is still a hell of a lot of randomness rolling around in there. So, I figured this maybe a good way to get some of it out (hopefully this way, when they ask me what the diagnosis is, this way I won't blurt out a random song lyric or the like.) Side note: The entire time I am typing this my "t" key is sticking and starting to piss the hell out of me.

1. I feel everyone knows I have an unhealthy obsession with Scrubs (case in point, instead of originally typing "Scrubs" right there, I typed "my friends" -- Freudian slip), but I am starting to realize it myself. For example, I'm starting to identify my feelings based on characters on Scrubs -- and not just characters, but time frame of characters. For example, early Elliot is failing despite always trying, insecure about herself, and pretty OCD about things in life that people shouldn't obsess over. On the other hand, later Elliot, is still OCD and has numerous qwerks, but is a hell of a lot more confident about those things. And I really feel the icing on the cake for my level of self-identification with J.D. happened this last week when (if you didn't see it, I dont' know why because you are obviously missing the best show on television) Elliot got egaged and he realized at the very end it should have been with him instead of with Keith. At which point, I teared up a little and thought to myself "Oh my lord how many things have I let slip through my hands in the past?" (Okay, yes, I have what is known in the medical community as "The Crazies.")

2. British female songwriters are popping up everywhere. Okay, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but I'm saying I like Amy Whinehouse. And in fact, I feel her song "Rehab" should be a theme song for The Circle (a name I am trying to have catch on for our friends in DC primarily based on how we all originally knew each other but also kinda for our unwillingness to mingle with others at social events). Let me quote (think of it as written spoken word), "They said go to rehab, and I said 'No, No, No'." In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if we acually had this conversation with someone one day (DK, KK, PP, MS, TF, and on and on).

3. I feel if I had to rank the things that I think will kill me, but are unlikely to do so, I would have to put "Accident involving my iPod" in the top 3. Understand I f*in love my iPod, however sometimes I let it take a hold of me a little too much. Two cases in point. The first occurred when driving back to Punxs'y a few weeks back when on a stretch of highway a little song by Journey called "Don't Stop Believing" came on my iPod. Needless to say, I started to sing along in my car (as I am fairly convinced I get amazing acoustics off my dashboard) and start to not so much pay attention to my odometer. By the time the chorus comes along (feel free to sing it in your head as you are reading), I look down and I'm going about 93 in a 55 area)...oops. Second example, today when I was walking to the hospital, The All American Rejects came on and be the self-convinced inner rockstar that I am (trust me, that's a blog onto itself), I actually had to stop myself from picking up my iPod and using it as a microphone as I crossed the entrance to the hospital, where there was uh, I don't know, about 10 cars pulling in and out). So, in the likelihood my body surfaces somewhere, don't be surprised if my iPod is clenched in my hand cold dead hand.

4. While I feel I may raise this topic numerous times in the future, I'll introduce it here -- I'm getting a little terrified about what to do with my life. I literally have to make this decision in the matter of a few weeks to months, and its really starting to press on me. I'm now getting to the point of asking random strangers what to do for a career. I'm currently leaning towards Adolescent Medicine, and I encourage you to read this article about it. Quite literally if I had to write a manifesto on this subject, this would be it. (Much thanks to KK for pointing this out to me). PLEASE feel free to give me unsolicited advice about career choices whether they be "W.C. I think that's a great idea" to "You are on mescaline right?"

5. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that "Mean Girls" is one of the greatest movies ever made. ("Uh, Bill, I'm starting to really question your judgement." "No, no, just give me a chance.") Okay, now that it has been airing on TNT like every other weekend, I've started to analyze it (like everything else in my life). It has a funny story that you can somewhat relate to, it is extremely quotable, and pretty funny. And for some of you guys out there that I may have not have sold yet, it has Rachel McAdams (and that also applies for some girls, I know JMS has a girl crush on her). So do yourself a favor and watch it -- it will be so fetch! By the way I feel like I identify with Gretchen Weiner (and not just because I like toaster stroodle) namely because she is not the center of the clique but lives on the side and tries to know everything about everyone (but obviously my hair is not big enough to be filled with that many secrets).

Okay, that's about it for now, I hope this satisfied your blog withdrawal (and you are no longer sitting in a corner shaking). Maybe I'll come out with something again soon cause lord knows I'm not doing anything on Surg Path.


W.C. Anderson III said...

2 Quick Corrections...
1) I improperly quoted Amy Winehouse. It should read "They tried to make me go to rehab, I said no, no, no."
2) An odometer measures distance not speed.
My apologies.

Anonymous said...

you should totally have more blogs now that you're home and you have less drinking to do....(or maybe you'll do MORE drinking to cover your depression, haven't quite figured it out yet)